Jan S. Hesthaven
Personlige data
Født 10. december 1965
2009 Dr.Techn, Technical University of Denmark
1995 PhD, Technical University of Denmark
1991 Cand.polyt, Technical University of Denmark
Nuværende beskæftigelse
2024- President, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
2014- Academic Director, Scientific Computing and Application Support, EPFL, CH
2013- Professor of Mathematics, EPFL. CH
2013- Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science, EPFL, CH
2007- Adjunct Professor, DTU
Tidligere beskæftigelse
2017-2024 Dean of EPFL School of Basic Science, EPFL, CH
2014-2017 President, Center for Advanced Modeling Science, CH
2013-2016 Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, US
2010-2013 Founding Deputy Director, Institute for Computational and Experimental Mathematics, Brown University, US
2006-2013 Founding Director, Center for Computation and Visualization, Brown University, US
2006-2010 Associate Chair of Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, US
2005-2013 Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, US
2002-2005 Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, US
1999-2002 Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, US
1995-1998 Visiting Assistant Professor, Brown University, US
1995-1998 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University, US
Hverv (bestyrelsesposter, medlemskaber, evalueringer mv.)
2020 Formand for evalueringsudvalg af matematiske uddannelser på Cypern, Cypern.
2019 Medlem af Uddannelse og Forskningsministeriets Ekspertudvalg for fordeling af basisforskningsmidler og forskingskvalitet, Danmark
2018 Formand for evalueringsudvalg for INRIA Research Theme Earth, Environmental and Energy Sciences, Frankrig
2017 Formand for evalueringsudvalg for SIMULA Research Laboratory (Norge)
2013 Formand for evaluerings udvalg for INRIA Research Theme I: Computational Models and Simulation: External Evaluation (Frankrig)
2012 Formand for evalueringsudvalg for Research in Information and Communication Technology in Norway: An Evaluation (Norge)
2010 Medlem af evalueringsudvalg for SIMULA Research Laboratory (Norge)
Andre forskningsrelaterede opgaver
Editor in Chief, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, SIAM Publishing, USA
Editorial board member of Journal of Computational Physics, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, Numerishe Mathematik, Journal of Scientific Computing.
Evaluator for forsknings ansøgninger for US Airforce of Scientific Research, US National Science Foundation, European Research Council, Research Council of Ireland, Research Council of the Netherlands, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Swiss National Science Foundation.
20 års erfaring med industrielle samarbejder, incl med virksomheder og organisationer som NASA (USA), Comsol (Sverige), Hypercomp Inc (USA), and Akselos SA (Schweiz).
Permanent medlem af flere Scientific Advisory Boards for internationale konferencer.
Priser og fellowships
2014 SIAM Fellow, Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, USA
2004 Philip J. Bray Award for Teaching Excellence in the Physical Sciences, Brown University, USA
2002 NSF Career Award, National Science Foundation, USA
2001 Manning Assistant Professorship, Brown University, USA
2000 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USA
1995 NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Science Foundation, USA